Thursday, February 19, 2015

A Modest Proposal via WhoBet


"The NFL ToiletBowl

There are 12 teams playing in the SuperBowl playoffs,
the 12 best teams are in the Superbowl playoffs.

8 Wild card teams and the Best Four teams with the best records during the year.

So the NFL ToiletBowl will have the same, 
you turn the NFL standings upside down and pick the 12 worst teams:

There are 12 teams playing in the ToiletBowl playoffs.

8 Wild card teams and the Worst Four teams with the worst records during the year.

In each ToiletBowl game the Winner gets out of the ToiletBowl playoffs, 
and the Loser moves to the next game.

The losers keep plying the games, the Winner gets out of the ToiletBowl playoffs,
and the Loser moves to the next game.

When we get to the Final ToiletBowl game, the two worst teams in the NFL.
There is a two week delay before the Final ToiletBowl game, just like the SuperBowl.
They play the game, say on Monday after the SuperBowl, 
and the loser of the game is the ToiletBowl Champion,
the worst team in the NFL this year.

Now this is what makes the ToiletBowl special:
The NFL Owner of ToiletBowl Champion has to "SELL THE TEAM"

What else does the ToiletBowl give the NFL:
1. 24 playoff teams versus the current 12 playoff teams.
2. More games, more tickets to sell, more commercials to sell, more media news coverage.
3. These crummy ToiletBowl teams get to play more games. 
4. The players of the ToiletBowl teams get more pay checks.
5. Play the games on Monday and Tuesday, more NFL coverage.
6. The TV analyst's will have a field day talking about the ToiletBowl games.
7. The pressure on the final 4 teams and then the final two teams will be enormous,
bigger then the SuperBowl, the NFL owner has to sell the team.

Whobet's opinion: I think the NFL ToiletBowl will be bigger then the NFL SuperBowl."

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